Show Info Gone in 60 Seconds is a 1974 American action film written, directed, and starring H.B. "Toby" Halicki. It centers on a group of car thieves and the 48 cars they must steal in a matter of days. The film is known for having wrecked and destroyed 93 cars in a car chase scene. This film is the basis for the 2000 remake starring Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie.
Car Info "Eleanor" is a customized 1971 Ford Mustang Sportsroof that features in independent filmmaker H.B. "Toby" Halicki's 1974 film Gone in 60 Seconds. "Eleanor" is the only Ford Mustang in history to receive star title credit in a movie. The Eleanor name is reused for a Shelby Mustang GT500 in the 2000 Gone in 60 Seconds remake.