Show Info Speed Racer, also known as Mach GoGoGo, is a Japanese animated franchise about automobile racing. Taking almost every element from the final race sequence in Elvis Presley's "Viva Las Vegas" and adding some James Bond gadgets in the car, a comic book Manga was drawn. Adapted into anime by Tatsunoko Productions, its 52 episodes aired on TV from April 1967 to March 1968 and in re-runs for decades.
Car Info The Mach 5, Speed Racer's car has many special features. Speed Racer deployed these gadgets by pressing buttons marked "A" through "G" on the steering wheel hub. This uniquely designed car, has a white exterior with a large "M" on its hood, the logo for the family business, Mifune Motors (changed to Pops Motors in the anime and Racer Motors in the live action film).